Spend more time on your important work and less on reports.
No more old-school and time consuming systems from the 90s.
We are always on the lookout for new areas to explore and develop.
On our platform, we maintain the following solutions:
A solution that let you set property value and calculate property tax easily
The Cubit team are former IT consultants from Miles AS a company renowned for its technical capabilities and focus on modern management philosophy. These are qualities that we have brought with us and continuously refined in our product company.
Cubit is a distributed company with people in Vilnius, Lithuania; Minsk, Belarus; Oslo and Bergen, Norway, and Brüssel, Belgium. This is a model that makes us able to find the best people, wherever they are
Cubit was founded in 2017 by four consultants:
You can also email us at arnestad@cubit.no, or just call for an informal chat by phone +47 456 71 570. (..And, please consider the nine hours we’re ahead of you)
We specialise on in-the-field auditing and inspection solutions. By combining insight from our customers with the latest technology, we can offer a reliable product that lets your team work smoother.
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